Posts by Category


What I’ve been reading

1 minute read

Two Cheers for Anarchism A couple of years ago I read both Against the Grain and Seeing like a State and just loved them as academic writing. James Scott is ...

What I’ve been reading

2 minute read

Summer is reading time, a bit harder to achieve with a 2 year old, but still I’ve done some.

What I’ve been reading

4 minute read

How Asia Works: Success and Failure in the World’s Most Dynamic Region - Joe Studwell I really liked this book, it seems somewhat more relevant today than 20...

What I’ve been reading

1 minute read

One again I rely on Tyler Cowen for book recomendation and this time I read Domination: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World by Tom Holland and Nass...

What I’ve been reading

1 minute read

Some books just look so perfect for my interests that their lack of quality really bums me out. Two recent exampels are Growing up human by Brenna Hassett an...

What I’ve been reading

1 minute read

I just finished reading Adam Tooze’s great (and perhaps classic by now) book The Wages of Destruction.

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Valresultat 2022 och befolkningstäthet

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Det har varit mycket diskussion om väljarna på landsbygden den här valrörelsen. KD har haft som uttalad strategi att växa på landsbygden och Centerpartiet so...


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Eftersom valmyndigheten tagit bort alla sina kartor från valpresentationen 2022 gjorde jag mina egna! Alla data från och

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3 minute read

Året både inleddes och avslutades på den amerikanska kontinenten, men på helt olika platser och av helt olika anledningar.

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What kind of energy are we talking about?

1 minute read

In these days with COP28 just wrapping up in Dubai and the Swedish debate concerning electricity production is as vital as ever I wanted to get a sense of th...

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Nice is Nizza

1 minute read

This summer my family when on a Eurotrip. Our final destination was Nice on the French Riviera. I hade never been before, and when we arrived I started feeli...

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